Friday, 14 November 2014

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer

Welcome to Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer

Hi and Welcome! Thank you for visiting our Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer pages. As the incidence of cancer increases and with the mainstream treatments proven futile and less effective than we have been led to believe, more and more patients opt for alternative therapy as a course of treatment.  Here we shall literate to share a wealth of useful and interesting information devoted to the  healing modalities for breast cancer with Clinacanthus Nutans and Graviola that have proven successful ! Our goal is that for patients deciding on any radical (irreversible) type of orthodox treatment for breast cancer, at least consider the natural breast cancer treatments and cures. As you will see, alternative cancer treatments are not only being hailed by world renowned experts as better and safer than conventional treatments, they are also backed up by some very strong and sound scientific medical literature. The treatments are far more speedy and effective, harmless, painless and economically affordable for next to everyone and easy to implement on DIY basis. Surprise?
Statistics reveal that  breast cancer is a horrendous disease that claims the lives of millions of women around the world every year. It has caused many women to become so scared and paranoid about it that some are even opting for mastectomies ! What’s even worse is if a woman does get breast cancer, the medical options available are essentially useless. In fact, according to 40 years cancer researcher, Dr Hardin B. Jones, women who refuse conventional treatments with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation actually live  longer than those who accept these therapies!  Another cancer researcher, Dr. Maurice Fox, found that “Those who refused medical treatments  had a lower mortality rate than those who submitted.”
So why would cancer patients even contemplate going through with  mastectomy operation or  conventional treatments (which promote more cancer anyway)? The answer is simple…
  • Many  patients do not aware that  there are natural cures for breast cancer that actually work!
  • Their doctor does not tell them, probably because the doctor does not even know himself.
  • The pharmaceutical companies are not going to tell them since they make billions of dollars every year from their cancer drugs so why would they?
  • The cancer industry isn’t going to tell them either 

More Powerful Natural Cures For Breast Cancer Unfold.

Entails  unfolds real-life tale of spontaneous remission and healing of breast cancer cases. We wish the lists will roll on and on..

Case 1: Stage 2 Breast Cancer

Mdm Chew: Tale of Breast Cancer
..Please do not be afraid as long as you have Nutans, any cancers disease can be cured, and please have confidence with it..

 ..Mr.Low, the life savior for the Chew

.. after 2 weeks, the tumors were wipe off totally..
Mdm. Chew, a 46 years old(2011) house wife was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer with 4 malignant tumors on both sides. Doctor advised her to perform breast surgery immediately since there has been inflammation on it. The first surgery (USD 4000)removed 3 tumors on both sides. Few days later when she went for check up again, the doctor advised her to perform additive surgery on both sides of her breast again due to virus infection. She asked the doctor for three weeks grace period to consider but the doctor told her that she is still young and should not wait any longer.

Her sister showed her the article on Mr. Low who recovered from stage 4 lymphatic cancer by consuming the Nutans-apple combo juice. She rang Mr. Low up about her situation, weeping with distress, murmur that she has 2 dependents and does not want to die yet. Mr. Low consoled her that stage 2 cancer is a small matter and she could be cured by consuming the Nutans-apple juice.
She started consuming 200 pcs of Nutans leaves daily for 2 weeks and went for medical check up followings that. She was not optimistic about the recovery since 2 weeks lead time appeared too short to test the potent of the Nutans. Scanning and blood test were performed. She gazed at the report with a look of astonishment on her face when the report show that the bigger tumor has vanished and no more tumor cells visible!
When asked what message would she like to forward to the viewers, she said, “ Please do not be afraid as long as you have Nutans, any cancers disease can be cured, and please have confidence with it. Foods to avoid during the nursing time are cheese, butter, chicken, duck, taro and certain types of seafood.”. She then showed her mammogram report on the breast tumors before the surgery and another radiology report after the consumption of the Nutans done at another hospital. The medical report shows that all the tumors have disappeared, only cyst are left.

Case 2: Stage 3 Breast Cancer

 .. Nutans are cancer's buster..

..detour from highway  of Deadth..

.. Nutans-apple juices bust cancer cells totally..

(Muar, Johore, Malaysia 20th) Legend has it that the common tropical fauna inhabited in our soil(Malaysia) has an antioxidant activity and protective effect against cancer. Just pluck the Nutans leaves and blend with apple and drink away the cancer! Recently, the wave of eating the Nutans aroused in Muar. The “cancer-buster”, the Nutans is regarded as life “u-turn” hurb meaning it cures your chronic sickness and return you with a fresh new  life.
Mom Kuok was diagnosed with a third stage breast cancer. Because she consumed the Nutans juice, she eyewitnesses the new phase of “u-turn in life”, beats the odd of 6 months life time!

Make copies of remedies and distribute

Now that her terminal breast cancer was healed, she tells every one about her experience busting the cancer, and zerox the life saving recipe to distribute around freely! Now that she has detoured from the gate-of-death, she turns over a new leaf and appreciates the real meaning of happy living forever than anything else! She would go freely around every where in the town to dispense the Nutans to the neediness!

Mom Kuok told the media that in 2008 her chest was hardened so she went for the check up. The doctor told her that she has contracted breast cancer in 2010, and must perform surgery immediately. She was hinted that her life span was numbered to 6 months. 
  On her sister's and daughter's advised, she consumed the Nutans-apple combo juices daily. Finally she tasted the sweet fruit of success of life from the heavenly gifted juice. She beats the odd to live longer than she was told by the doctor!
The Packages
Asia Countries 
For Asian, simply order the fresh Nutans and blend it with apples..

For US, Canada and most parts of Europe, you can order the tea and powder packages.

If you want to order, please fill in the contact form on the right, or just left me a message in the comment box at the bottom of the posting.


  1. Dear DXXX:
    Thanks for your inquiries.
    1) The whole treatment will depend on the stage of your sickness. Most patients feel the difference after taking 1-2 bags of the Nutans powder. You will need about 3-4 bags of the Nutans @ 250g. for the treatment. Then you may take 1 bag for each month and you can take the tea as refreshment, it tastes nice and beside helps to regulate your blood and sugar level. It's a good herb that can help to clean your kidney, too. It's a good herb.
    2) To start up, you can buy 2 bags(500g) and we will complement with 1 bag(125g) of tea. After that you can decide whether to follow up. If you are completely satisfied with the product, sure you can be our promoter for the area(province) you are in. At the moment, we wish to find a representative in Vancouver and Toronto area to work with our rep. in New Jersey and New York area.
    Please be in touch.

  2. Hello To You,

    I am unsure how I was to receive this Link On my Face Book Page....However I did.
    It is interesting to me to find this Link as wondered if there was any useful info you maybe able to share with me

    Late 2008 I showed symptoms of Breast Cancer and in 03/2009 I had a Single Mastectomy on my Left Breast.
    My Lymph Nodes were taken out on the same side and I was told I would not require Chemo therapy...... However... Weeks later I was informed that I Indeed Must Do Chemo to stop any spread that may occur.
    I was not eager but as I was quite young 29... and not knowing anyone personally that had this DIS EASE..... I was not sure what to do..... I did after the 3rd Treatment Decide I was NOT doing anymore treatments as I felt My Body was rejecting the Chemicals...... and anything I mentioned to the Nurses or the Specialists about how I was feeling, was falling on Deaf Ears.
    I escaped as such and moved from the City back to the Country and for the next 5 Years I managed fine, I could do anything and everything I was able to do previous to Mastectomy.... although aware I was to take extra care with my Left Arm etc..... NOW.... almost 6 Years from Original Signs of Cancer I have been Diagnosed with Secondary Metastatic Breast Cancer of the Bones......The Course of treatment thus far has been this.
    I have done a 5 Day Course of Radiation, to which I still have a large Square patch On my back since Late October 2014 and I have had 2x PAMIDRONATE Infusions for BONE STRENGTHENING and against my better judgement I had my 1st HERCEPTIN infusion today.... after putting it off twice... I currently take 120Mg Daily of Morphine and a mixture of HeartBurn, Sedative, Panadol & Bowel Control Medications.... I was on a Steroid that I now thankfully do not take but am eager to find remedies to counter all these other Pharamceuticals...... My question is..... Am I too Late and have I already given my body over to the system.......... Or Is there a chance that this can be remedied Naturally??
    Thank you for you time and Consideration. I look forward to your reply.

    Kind regards,
    Nar Wetere
