Friday, 2 January 2015

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatment

..we believe in the omnipotence of God. God is all powerful and as such can do as God pleases. God can heal. God has that ability..” We join you to combat and bring an end to the chronic illness , however deep we find ourselves in despair at a particular moment, God will bring final healing and wholeness. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Pearls from the orient  

            Sabah Snake Grass           Pennisetum Alopecoidesr Spr           Graviola
 Medics say there is no cure for cancer, – and those diagnosed with cancer are heavily encouraged by doctors, family and peers to seek pharmacological treatments like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. However, these mainstream treatments appear to be less effective than we have been led to believe; the treatments seem a nightmare, an endless agony dream, and whoever survives shall share the experience. With the conventional treatments proven futile, more and more patients opt for alternative therapy as a course of treatment. Of these the healing power of clean, plant-based therapy from the tropical fauna: Clinacanthus Nutans, Pennisetum Alopecoidesr Spr(PAS) and Graviola seem to gain popularity. Our goal is that you, your loved ones, and your physician will be able to find the answers to your questions here. 
Clinacanthus Nutans as cancer terminator : the ground-breaking discovery

Moment of truth : LH Low

Kuang Hwa Daily
(5th April 2011 edition)
Case of final stage lymphatic cancer   
Recently, Clinacanthus Nutans(for convention, we shall label Clinacanthus Nutans as Nutans) has attracted worldwide attention as alternative treatment for cancer and various diseases, thanks to the news coverage by the local media.
Kuang Hwa Daily(5th April 2011 edition) reported that Mr. LH Low, then a 56-year old telecommunication tower contractor had contracted terminal lymphatic cancer believed through the telecommunication tower radiation, and was tipped with only 3 months to live by 5 oncologists; but had managed to bust off and eliminated cancer cells from his body totally by consuming the Nutans every morning after breakfast. Mr. Low told the media that 3 days after consuming the Nutans juice, the 6 tumors had shrank and after 13 days, he was cleared by the oncologist. On DIY basis, he succeeded to cure himself without further pharmacological therapy and as he says now, he is healthier than ever because cancer was completely wiped off from his body. The news had gone viral in the media and spread fast via humans mouth. 

Since then, people from all over the world phoned Low about his treatment; some even visited him personally to seek his help. He is sincere to share this truly cutting-edge cancer treatment experience with all. He even give away samples of the Nutans that he planted in the open field freely to those who needed, and direct them how to consume the herb. He has since then helped thousands of cancer patients who had successfully treated their cancer’s naturally using the Nutans. He also uploaded his experience combating the cancer to internet. From time to time, he received many inquiries all over the world about the treatment of cancer with the Nutans. Amongst them, patients suffering from colon cancer, liver cancer, nasal cancer, uterine cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer, leukemia and lymphony had all recovered after consuming the Nutans. Ensue we shall review the individual testimonials as appeared in newspaper, magazine reports and videotapes to blow the whistle on alternative cancer treatments with the Nutans.

You-tube world video conference on Nutans

Good news to  the cancer world
We want to thank everybody coming here for this morning ..Mr. Low is a good man. He wants to tell public, not only here, he wants to tell the whole world..”

“This young girl here, she has the tissues abnormal so doctor said she wants to go to Singapore for cancer curing, she needs about RM 700,000(USD 225,000).. the cure is about tissue cases, so after that Low asked her to take the Nutans . Now certifies the cancer tissue no more, normal, so today Low wants to save life only to help people to introduce the Nutans..”

4-7-2011:  Hello to the Cancer World
LH Low tells the world: How Nutans Cure My Final Stage Lymphatic Cancer
Follow the news coverage on the successful treatment of final stage lymphatic cancer by Mr. Low, inquiries about the herbal treatments pour in like flurries from all over the world. To response to the massive inquiries about the Nutans, Mr. Low sought the help from local Pokok Asam MCA assembly man Dato' Ho Cheng Wang to host and appeared before a video world press conference about Nutans on 4th July 2011. Also present were ex-cancer patients who would like to tell you how they wipe off cancer cells with the heavenly juices: the Nutans!
Case of Leukemia Cancer
5 year old leukemia girl
Consumed the Nutans with no side effect
An 8 year old girl E(2011 in standard 2 then) contracted leukemia cancer when she was 5. She spent 3 months in ICU because her liver was inflated and intoxicated and her white blood index fluctuated unsteadily. The hospital in Singapore had suggested that she needs a stem cell transplant therapy and that would cost her S$700,000(USD 550,000)! Her granddaddy intended to sell the house to pay for the treatment. Incidentally, her aunt read the news about Low; and she called him up to seek his help immediately. Low advised her to take the extract of the Nutans supplemented with Elephantopus scaber aka “di-dan-cao”. She said that after she consumed the Nutans-Elephantopus scaber juices, the medical diagnostic entail cleared the little E free from the burden of the leukemia. Her white blood index drop from 30, 26,16,13,10,7 within a month.
Thousands of cancer-cured fans gather to share their treatment experiences with Nutans
Mr. Low and thousands of cancer-cured fans gathered and shared experience on how they eliminated the otherwise would-be-deadly diseases from their bodies. Some even brought along their medical reports to certify that their cancer diseases were gone !

Case of Breast Cancer Treatment
Doctor advised her to perform breast surgery immediately...She asked the doctor to give her three weeks’ time to consider but doctor told her that she is still young and shouldn’t wait any more..

Why immediatedly ? Cancer researcher Ty Bollinger says the reason is simple! 

..Mdm. Chung was overjoyed to skip the baldness syndrome due to chemotherapy!..
Case of lymphatic Cancer

The Nutans cured my elderly dad's Lymphatic Cancer

Mid last year, Mr. Wong found that his neck was infected with numerous tumors. He was diagnosed with 3rd stage lymphatic cancer. After 4th chemotherapy, he forfeited the treatment altogether. He read about the Nutans therapy on the newspapers and had his daughter to source for the Nutans in Ipoh and eventually cured himself with the Nutans and green apple juice.

Case of Breast Cancer 

 Ms Chew, 46 a house wife was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer with 4 malignant tumors on both sides. Her sister showed her the news article about Low. Low consoled her that stage 2 cancer is a small matter and she can be cured by consuming the Nutans. She started consuming the Nutans daily for 2 weeks and went for medical check up. To her surprise the remaining bigger tumor had disappeared! 
She would advise the cancer foes as, “ Please don’t be afraid, as long as you have the Nutans, any cancers disease can be cured, and please have confidence with the Nutans”. Her mammogram report indicated that all the tumors have disappeared, only cyst are left. 

Case of Colon cancer, kidney diseases and diabetic

Nutans cure colon cancer
Aged woman escapes syndrome of hair fallacies
The Chung family were all sick patients of chronic diseases. Father suffered from kidney disease, mother was a victim of colon cancer and the son was a diabetic(sugar index 20+). Mdm Chong received chemotherapy earlier at the general hospital after she was diagnosed with colon cancer. The doctor recommended her to go for surgery. Now that the son heard about the legendary Nutans, the family stall all the pharmacological treatments and opt for the Nutans as alternative treatments. After consuming the Nutans for a while, to their surprise, they discovered that all their sickness were cured!

So folks, the list of the testimonial from tales of cancer-recovered patients goes in-exhaustively ! The Nutans as alternative cure for cancer is nothing short of a miracle and it provides a ray of hope for cancer patients whose future seems bleak with pharmacological therapy as the last option for the treatment. The pharmacological therapy is painful and the treatment is expensive and timely. In contrast, taking Nutans-apple combo juices only requires small cost and the pain during healing process is pale in comparison to the side effects of chemotherapy sessions, and within a short span of  time (~2 weeks), most patients see the sign of recovery. For more coverage, readers are prompt to follow the links here..

The Nutans Research and Development

..They found that the extract had an antioxidant activity and protective effect against free radical induced haemolysis..
Nutans is a new milestone in alternative cancer treatment. Its main function is to regulate major bodily functions in order to kill cancer cells without hurting any normal cells. Conversely, it activates normal cells without activating cancer cells. The Nutans-apple combo is superb treatment for most cancer. To prepare the Nutans-apple juices, you need the fresh from the heavenly farm Nutans leves and couple of apples.  Clean and grate them finely with an electric shredder.
The Packaging

..For Asia rim countries

..For Europe, Canada and US,
 At the end of the day folks, if you have cancer then all you really need to know is Nutans and supplemental herbs work ultra-magnificently as a natural cure for cancer. Test drive it: drink it for 10 days and feel it, and tell your story..
If you reside anywhere in rims of Asia, you can order the Nutans fresh leaves and seek the supplemental herbs whenever possible.
For Europe and US continents, the choice is the Nutans powder formula. 
To order, kindly fill in the contact form on the right or you may left a note in the comment box.


  1. Our mission is clear: to help to bust off the cancer. Find out more about our program. We would like to distribute the Nutans to these regions : US, Canada, Mexico, South America, UK, Great Europe, HK, Australia, New Zealand. If you would like to participate, please contact us. We are particularly interested to find a joint-venture program in Great Metropolitan Toronto area; If you are Non-profit-organization, Church alliance, cancer society... contact us..

  2. How can I get the nutans..I live in the United states

    1. Hi, Thanks for your inquiry. My name is Albert Tai and I am a fellow alumni of Iowa Hawkeyes(80's), the University of Iowa (Iowa City). I went to California State University at Los Angeles during the 90's. I went back to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia followed my graduation from Cal State LA. The Nutans is not available in the US due to strict US FDA regulation. In lieu of that, I have engaged the state BIO extract firm to extract the Nutans in powder and tea package form. Depending on the stage of your illness, I will determine how many packages you will need to treat the illness completely! Yes, if your body can accept the herb with no difficulty, bingo.. you strike a jackpot of the lifetime. At the moment. I do not intend to profit from the Nutans because I am just making intrude to the US. So I will advise you to purchase a pack of 500g nutans powder(10 days consumption) and you will feel some changes.. for complete re coverage I will need to calculate from your stage of sickness. Of the thousands patients that I knew, most wave bye to the illness from 2 weeks to 2 months. Please let me know your current city and state and email me at and will start from here.. Bye

  3. Dear Txxx:
    In reply to your inquiry,
    1) Patients who took Nutans will " feel the effect" sometimes 10-14 days.
    2) The Nutans are Non-toxic, they are natural green plant.
    and yes, we are seeking partner world-wide to work with us about the Nutans. We will appoint One dealer in one state only.

